
Sunday 8 July 2007

Going Back To School

Yesterday i woke up early in the morning, dress myself up nicely with a blue jeans and nice blouse and drove my car to UPM, Serdang. I attend my first briefing on enrolling to master program in corporate communication in faculty of modern languages and communication (fbmk). i was a bid worried on not getting any mutual friend like i had back in unimas before. it was fun..a lots of fun back then but now i just dont know yet..there i was ..walking slowly towards Za'ba Hall and took my deep breath. then i was stopped by a lady who asked me whether i am going for the briefing. i answered her then i just took myself a seat and start a conversation with her. Far as i know this lady is my super duper senior from my previous program in unimas...YES!!! i allready found my new coursemate..her name is Hani who hailed from Miri (a Mirian she is) as a PTD in one of the ministry and studies under JPA..lucky for her i guess.well, best of all she is just like me..hate library as much as seem that i gonna love my studies here in UPM.

The briefing itself was a welcoming ceremony for the new students who enroll to master and PHD programme by the faculty.when we were asked to have standing ovation for the national anthem and UPM's anthem as well..i was speechless as i once again be a student and best of all a postgraduate student....just love it..then we had a meeting with our programme coordinator. Her name is Dr Hamisah Hassan.She is sound nice to me but we just wait n see how it gonna be ....i also got my class timetable for this semester.

my life will be totally change starting this tuesday as i will attend my first class after work..i just worried whether i'll be on time to be in my class..since the traffic will quite challenging for me..1st because i dont really know the road..need to familiarize it anyway..2nd will be about me...will be fit enough to attend the night class after the whole day at the office...surely i will be like death meat once i lay myself on the bed...hahaha..gonna get myself ready for that.

anyway...that is all for now since i already bored sitting up in front of this computer...


  1. i dont want to waste my money since my studies is self financed so need to be more more shopping for me...pity me..
