
Tuesday 10 February 2009

IZEAFest 2009

Once again, bloggers from all around the world will meet at IZEAFest 2009 that will be launch on October 1 - 4, 2009 at Orlando, Florida. IZEAFest 2009 is an annually program initiated by IZEA Social Media Marketing for bloggers to meet with the great social media rockstars; Robert Scoble, Chris Brogan, Aaron Brazell and Darren Rowse. This three day event is a platform for new or current bloggers to meet and to connect with internet marketers and brand experts. Be a well-rounded blogger will be the main objective for the participants to learn from the seminar. This is a chance for bloggers to discover the wonder world of internet advertising and how does the new age media give back to us. More details and speakers will be announced soon with a complete website for the fest. You can also be the first to receive the event information via @IZEAFest on Twitter.

Earlybird registration for IZEAFest'09 is now open. View the 2008 website for more info on previous event.