
Wednesday 25 August 2010

Kek Lapis Masam Manis

Last Sunday I made Sweet Sour Layer Cake (Kek Lapis Masam Manis) which is popular in Sarawak.

Kek Lapis Masam Manis

10 pcs egg
1 tin condensed milk
16 oz golden churn butter
12 pack of haw flakes
2 teaspoon of vanilla essence
2 glass of castor sugar
300g of biscuit marie (Arrowroot biscuit) [blend into flour]
1 teaspoon of baking powder

Beat in egg white and sugar until it look fluffy.
Mix in egg yolm butter and condensed milk. Mix well.
Combined both mixture and mix well.
Add in blended biscuit marie and baking powder.
Separate the mixture into 2, put some colour of your choice. (Green & Pink will be great
Steam each mixture layer by layer and alternate it with haw flakes.

Do use mixer during mixing the egg white and sugar. The rest will use wooden spoon.

Do mind the look as it doesn't look nice but the taste is there..I like it so much. Next in line will be Chocolate Peppermint Layer Cake (Kek Lapis Cokelat Pudina).


  1. Kek lapis Sarawak is way too expensive. Way to go, girl.

    ps: bernas dah pindah ker? maybe we can catch up sometines.

  2. Khemy..hehehe..kek lapis dia mmg la solution is belajar la buat sendiri...kena byk2 bersabar la kalo nak bakar layer by layer..

    Office dah pindah ke Menara HLA, Jalan Kia Peng...catch up?..BOLEH la....hehehe..asyik jumpa kat blog je kan..nak jugak jumpa in real person..hehe

  3. I love kek lapis! this looks yummy enough to me..:)

  4. A, improvise la lagi.... then u can sell for next year Raya.. sure ada demand..

  5. saya suka buat je diya...makan x sgt.. are you?..lama x dengar cerita...improve version will be on the look je la..hehehe

  6. my mom n i love haw flakes (! when she was a kid she kept on eating hawflakes... and when she went for a pee, she was shocked cuz her urine was kinda red. haha.. she ate too much haw flakes!!

  7. that is so funny teresa..maybe u can make this cake for her.. :D
